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Navigating the World of Recruitment

Ways to deal with setting up a and dealing with the recruitment industry


    Posted June 25, 2024

    If you’re heading into the fast-paced world of recruitment for the first time it may look confusing and daunting. However, the journey as a recruiter involves a process which is much more than rapidly placing roles to get a fee. Recruiting involves building relationships, understanding core skills and creating networks beyond immediate needs. In this blog, we are going to take you through five things that you won’t know about until you’re in recruitment. Even if you’re not considering recruitment as your next role, this insight will be useful when you are next dealing with a recruiter.

    Its’s Not All About Placing Candidates Quickly and Fast

    Finding someone a great role and filling a vacancy is usually the end goal. But actually, a lot of that time is building good strong relationships and networks. Through regular catch-up calls to genuine chat and get to know people you need to get to know their core skills and what they’re actually looking for in a role. This allows you to already know all the right people even before their perfect job has turned up!

    It’s a Bit Like Sales But with a Product That Has a Mind of its Own

    Recruitment is a complicated ball game, and a deal isn’t always safe even if it seems it is. You might have paired a candidate with a perfect role, in a perfect industry, in their dream location. But even after accounting for every possible hurdle, there is always a chance someone could simply turn around and walk away. This teaches you not to make assumptions about anything from an early stage.

    Business Doesn’t Magically Make it’s Way to You

    More often than not you have to generate your own interest and work. As a result, you can’t limit yourselves to simply posting one single job advert and hoping the perfect people get in touch. At Jackson Hogg, we like to make a ripple by advertising our services and our company in different ways. Sometimes that might be through personalised videos giving candidates a chance to put faces to names. Or maybe we’ll initiate an interesting conversation by sharing thought-provoking articles relative to our field. In recruitment, you can gain a lot simply by creating an environment for a good conversation.

    Business Development Gets a Bad Rep

    Recruitment is famous for its huge emphasis on getting on the phone and chatting and sometimes that can seem scary. True, not every call is going to be a success. But more often than not these calls with potential or current candidates can result in some insightful, positive, and maybe even fun conversations. You learn a huge amount about them and find out about businesses that you didn’t even know existed. There are some crazy, exciting and complicated job roles out there and candidates are your number one educator.

    It’s Competitive But at the Core You Need a Team

    Recruitment can tend to attract motivated people and it’s clear from first impressions that most consultants want to be good at what they do. Something that every recruitment newbie needs is a supportive team around them who is willing to help through these early stages as these can be the most daunting and scary times. At Jackson Hogg, we make sure that all our new consultants are supported and receive suitable training for them to feel comfortable and confident in what they do.

    If you are looking for the next stage in your career or if it’s your first job out of university, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team. Even if it’s just for a quick coffee to talk about what we do or if it’s just for general career advice we are only a click or call away.

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