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Lauren Bathan

Associate Director - HR Partnership



Lauren joined Jackson Hogg at the beginning of 2022 following a period of self-employment as an HR consultant. Lauren has focused her career on the HR discipline since joining the profession as a graduate. She holds a BA in business and management, an MA in HR management and development, an MBA and an MSc in coaching and mentoring. Lauren is also a chartered fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development and the Chartered Management Institute.

Company Culture

Looking into organisation culture from a HR perspective

Company Culture

Lauren Bathan

Company Culture
Understanding Burnout at Work and Ways to Prevent and Deal with it

Looking at burnout and ways to deal with it in the UK workforce

Understanding Burnout at Work and Ways to Prevent and Deal with it

Lauren Bathan

Understanding Burnout at Work and Ways to Prevent and Deal with it
Changes to Paternity Leave Regulations – March 2024

Looking into the latest changes to paternity leave regulations

Changes to Paternity Leave Regulations – March 2024

Lauren Bathan

Changes to Paternity Leave Regulations – March 2024


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