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Executive Search

Our executive search function focuses on sourcing and securing board-level talent for a wide range of clients. This encompasses both executive and non-executive positions. We have successfully placed influential leadership roles with everyone from global blue-chip businesses to pre-revenue start-ups. If you were to engage Jackson Hogg on an executive mandate, you can count on our two key areas of strength.

Firstly, our executive network is extremely strong. We are a relationship-led business, which means that we proactively seek to build long-term, symbiotic relationships with everyone that we work with. We continue to cultivate a network of senior executives and business leaders, that has been built over the last 10 years.

Secondly, is our best-in-class search capability. Utilising our in-depth market knowledge and our dedicated Research Team, we can identify all possible candidates before undertaking and active headhunt and assessment process to present the strongest possible shortlist. Jackson Hogg’s Research function has a track record of successfully sourced candidates for difficult-to-fill positions across the globe.


We Are STEM Specialists

At Jackson Hogg, we love all things STEM. That’s Science, Technology, Engineering and Manufacturing to us. Executive search is no different. We have partnered with STEM businesses at every stage of their journey, from pre-revenue start-ups to established multi-nationals, introducing them to the right people to help them achieve their goals and take the next step.

That’s not to say that we don’t occasionally work on executive roles outside of STEM, but STEM is where we at our strongest, where we have an unrivalled track record, and provides a key point of difference to our competitors.

female recruiter wearing a headset


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